Academic results


St Margaret’s has again achieved very pleasing results and we commend the efforts and dedication of our students and the staff and parents who support them.

Across all domains (Writing, Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, and Numeracy) and all tested year levels (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9), St Margaret’s results are, again, well above the state average. Please note, national averages are still yet to be published.

While we no longer have comparative data to report against, we believe our consistently strong results are commensurate with previous years, where St Margaret’s ranked amongst the top-performing schools in Queensland.

St Margaret’s maintains a strong focus on literacy and numeracy as the foundation of all good learning and these results reflect the school’s commitment to ensuring all students have the best opportunities to develop these skills.

NAPLAN results are used both individually and collectively. Individually, they provide important insights to a child’s progress, strengths and areas requiring further development. Collectively, the results ensure we are meeting our commitment to developing strong foundational skills and are used to further inform curriculum programs and delivery throughout the school.

These results are but one measure among many that contribute to the well-rounded education St Margaret’s provides to our students.

NAPLAN 2024 (PDF 115.6KB)



Class of 2024: Outstanding Academic Achievements

We congratulate the graduates of 2024 on their final academic results, representing the culmination of their many years of studious effort.

It is but one measure of their education, as the school consistently seeks to fulfil its holistic mission to prepare confident, compassionate, capable women able to contribute to a global community. The cohort of 2024 have proven themselves to be well ready to take their next step in learning and in life.

St Margaret’s is proud to offer to its diverse community of learners the chance to explore a range of pathways catering for their interests and passions where they can discover their strengths and aspirations. The infographic below outlines some of the more significant markers representing both our ATAR and Portfolio Pathway students. Please note, that under the ATAR system, students can choose to withhold their results from the school. Therefore, the statistics below represent 122 of our 123 ATAR eligible students.

St Margaret’s is a non-selective school that consistently achieves above state and national averages across the key academic markers. The graduates of 2024 are no exception and have achieved outstanding academic results.

   FINAL ATAR results 2024  

Based on the results above, for both our ATAR eligible students and portfolio pathway students, all Year 12 graduates will have the opportunity to access a university education.

Beyond graduating with these fine academic outcomes, our graduates leave us with a rich student experience encompassing a focus on academic excellence alongside myriad extracurricular opportunities through sport, the arts, community service, and clubs and activities, and personal growth experiences through our student wellbeing programs.

The 2024 cohort enthusiastically engaged in all aspects of school life and leave us well equipped to embark upon the next stage of their personal and learning journeys.

We wish them all the best in their future studies and endeavours.