Regional Tours

Staff from St Margaret's Anglican Girls School are regularly present at various regional events throughout the year, across Queensland, NSW, the Northern Territory and overseas. Some of these events will be hosted by St Margaret's, and formal invitations will be sent to members of our school community residing within the local area closer to the date of the event. At other shows and exhibitions, St Margaret's will be in attendance and we invite you to come and have a chat with us. If you would like to indicate your interest in attending these events and in particular the functions that might be attached to them, so that you can meet some of our boarding and senior leadership staff, please notify the School's Reception via phone on +61 7 3862 0777, up to seven days prior to the event date.


30 April - 1 May   Goondiwindi    
2 - 3 May Boarding School Expo  Emerald 
31 May - Brisbane Education Fair   Nathan, Brisbane
2-3 June - ICPA State Conference    St George
3-5 June - Farmfest                 Toowoomba
25-26 July Boarding Schools Expo  Narrabri (BSE) and Moree (Dinner)
2 August - Sunshine Coast Education Fair  Sippy Downs, Sunshine Coast
September (date tbc)  Dalby, Chinchilla, Miles, Roma
7 September - Nundah Festival  Nundah
December (tbc) - Mt Isa Bush Kids      Mt Isa