On Friday 12 March, almost 450 St Margaret’s mothers and staff gathered at the Gambaro Hotel Brisbane for the St Margaret’s Annual Mothers’ Luncheon, hosted by the Parents and Friends’ Association.
St Margaret’s Principal Ros Curtis said the event has a long tradition at St Margaret’s and exemplifies the school’s strong ethos of community.
“It is testament to the strength of our community spirit that 450 current mothers, some of whom are also former students themselves, came together for this event,” Ms Curtis says.
“The Luncheon gave these women a chance to connect with friends and make new ones after a year where such opportunities were few and far between.
“The event is also a major fundraiser for the school’s Parents and Friends’ Association, which provides significant support to the school by donating to projects which benefits our students.”
Fiona Carrigan from Thallon and mum to Primrose in Year 12 and twins Paige and Holly in Year 11 said in the lead up to the event: “My husband and I, and the girls, have made lifelong friends over the last six years while our daughters have boarded at St Margaret’s.”
For Kirstin Aralar, mother to Charlotte in Year 12, the event was her last Mothers’ Luncheon.
“The Year 12 mothers made a special effort to attend this year as for some, like myself, the thirteen-year association of being a St Margaret’s parent is coming to a close.
“I do believe however, the sense of community which is provided and the friendships which are enhanced by St Margaret’s, will endure for years to come.
“The Mothers’ Luncheon is always a happy event and provides a fabulous opportunity to connect with mums from all sectors of my years involved with St Margaret’s and, as an Old Girl myself, a chance to connect with old friends and reminisce,” Kirstin said.
This event would not have been possible without the significant efforts of Antionette Aquilina and the rest of the P and F committee who led the organisation of the luncheon.
The event raised over $41,000 which will benefit St Margaret’s students. We thank our generous sponsors for making this possible including Qscan, KLM Solicitors, UMS and Adrians.