After a COVID-induced delay, St Margaret’s was excited to finally be able to celebrate the success of our top ATAR performing students from the Class of 2021 at our annual Scholars’ Assembly, held on Tuesday 19 April.
During the assembly, each of the 54 Scholars who achieved an ATAR of 90 or above were honoured with an award.
Deputy Principal Karen Gorrie said, “Their example of scholarship is there for us to copy and to inherit.”
In the lead up to the assembly, each scholar was asked to share their reflections and advice to inspire our current students, which is published in a booklet and available to current students in hard copy form or via The POD.
Ms Gorrie encouraged students to read it saying, “I believe if you are prepared to follow the advice from our graduating class, you too will end up at this assembly in future years.”
She concluded with these words: “To all our scholars, congratulations on reaching your goal and thank you all for being great academic role models to all the students around you. We wish you the best for your studies and endeavours. May you experience joy and happiness, fulfill your dreams and may you continue to be inspired by the school’s motto, Per Volar Sunata – Born to Fly Upwards.”
The QCE Subject Prizes were also presented during the assembly to those students who achieved the highest overall subject result. The subject prize award recipients are listed below:
QCE Subject Prize
Award Recipient
Edwina McLachlan
Ancient History
Ashleigh Witenden
Olivia Donoghue
Zara Campbell
Ella Woods
Sunny Zhang
Gio Kim
Digital Solutions
Isabel Crockett
Estella Caro
Queena Jiang
Edwina McLachlan
Paige Bastian
Zara Campbell
English and Literature Extension
Estella Caro
Estella Caro
General Mathematics
Ryanne Coe
Amelia McDonald
Chloe Fenwicke
Legal Studies
Eliza Quayle
Estella Caro
Mathematical Methods
Georgie Gaspar
Modern History
Eliza Quayle
Ashleigh Witenden
Music Extension
Ashleigh Witenden
Zara Campbell
Samantha Cooper
Celia Quinn
Physical Education
Hayley Forster
Specialist Mathematics
Zara Campbell
Visual Art
Grace Nankivell
Georgie Gaspar was announced as the QCE Proxime Accessit Dux of the School while Zara Campbell received the QCE Dux of the School Award and the ATAR Dux Award.
Zara Campbell and Samantha Cooper each shared their wisdom and advice on what helped them to achieve great academic success with current students. Zara encouraged younger secondary students to home in on the study techniques and methods that work best for them, while suggesting to those in Years 11 and 12 to find a study buddy studying similar subjects and with similar academic goals. Samantha promoted maintaining balance and fully embracing the extracurricular opportunities at school to support a study/life balance.
Our Scholars have each embarked on their post school journey pursing a range of tertiary studies from law through to science. More than 20 of our Scholars are studying STEM-related fields including medicine, physiotherapy, biomedical science, engineering, design, nursing or agricultural science.
Congratulations to our inspirational 2021 Scholars. May you have continued success as you move into this next chapter of your lives.