Hilary Davis had never even considered playing a musical instrument before she picked up the double bass in Year 3 as part of St Margaret’s primary music program where every girl gets to explore the beauty of music.
Considered tall for her age, it seemed like the logical choice of instrument, and Hilary was immediately enamoured by its earthy, broad sound.
“I began playing the double bass when I was eight followed by the bass guitar a few years later and I’ve really enjoyed both ever since. I was really drawn to the sound the double bass made – it felt like it could fill up a whole room,” she explained.
The rest, as they say, is history for Hilary who quickly shone as a gifted young instrumentalist. Now in Year 11, she has earnt her place among some of Australia’s leading music programs for emerging artists.
She is a member of the world-class Queensland Youth Symphony program, spending every Saturday rehearsing for six hours, in addition to performance and touring opportunities, and will tour internationally to Germany later this year.
Hilary has also participated in prestigious national orchestral training programs for young pre professional musicians, including the National Music Camp program with the Australian Youth Orchestra.
However, it was at St Margaret’s that her love of playing was first ignited, and her talent was nurtured.
“My development as a musician really is due to St Margaret’s music program, which not only sparked my passion for music but provided me with the solid foundation from which to develop and refine my skills.
“I’ve worked under the tutelage of several private teachers, who impart their expert knowledge, skills and professional experience.
“The other great thing about St Margaret’s is the many and varied performance opportunities for musicians including Open Day, the Soaring Upwards Festival, the MAYO Arts Festival, the School Musicals and Classics in the Cathedral,” Hilary said.
Performing in the orchestra pit of two of the school’s musicals has been a highlight for Hilary.
“I have really loved these opportunities to play a professional score, which is really challenging, and to play alongside and collaborate with professional musicians,” Hilary said.
Developing her gift requires dedication and commitment with music practice before and after school and weekend rehearsals.
To successfully balance her music training with all other aspects of her education, Hilary has been supported through St Margaret’s signature Flyers Program for outstanding scholars, athletes and performers.
“I was part of the Flyers Program from Years 8 to 10, which was helpful. With such a heavy practice and training schedule, having additional time allocated during the school day enabled me to stay on top of my homework and study while still devoting time to my music.
‘Now that I’m in Year 11, I utilise my spare periods at school to study, freeing up my time after school for music practice,” Hilary said.
As for the future, Hilary is aspiring towards a future that combines her love of performing with her other interests.
“I’m considering studying a double degree in music and international relations, which will provide me with the skills for a professional career in music as well as furthering my global outlook and understanding.
“My experience at St Margaret’s has given me a taste for live performance, and I’d really love to pursue this in the future, maybe playing musical theatre. I just love the electric energy of performing in the orchestra pit,” she said.
The opportunities provided to Hilary through St Margaret’s music program have allowed her to discover and nurture her true gift for music.