A recording of her speech can be accessed on the PWN webpage via this link: https://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/community/professional-womens-network
Tickets are available for our next Professional Women’s Network Breakfast with Guest Speaker, Tracy Cooper-Lavery ('87), Director, Gallery & Visual Arts at HOTA, Home of the Arts Gold Coast; Australia’s largest public gallery outside a capital city. She is an arts museum leader with a career spanning 25 years including Director of Rockhampton Art Gallery where she was responsible for transforming the Gallery’s profile on a local, state and national level; and Senior Curator at Bendigo Art Gallery. She has curated numerous exhibitions on Australian and international art and is the curator of the forthcoming international exhibition Pop Masters: Art from the Mugrabi Collection, New York; a world exclusive for the Gold Coast.

This event is a fantastic opportunity to host a corporate table of staff as a professional development opportunity, to host a table of clients, or to attend with your daughter.
Date: Wednesday 10 May 2023
Time: 6:45am arrival for 7:00am-8:45am. Enjoy barista coffee from a Wolff Coffee Roasters cart, before and after the event.
Venue: Arts Centre Foyer, St Margaret's Anglican Girls School
Tickets: $85 adults, $40 students (Years 10 to 12/tertiary), $850 corporate table (10 seats)
Available online via https://www.trybooking.com/CFLDG
We thank our series sponsors, Major Sponsor: Pitcher Partners, Associate Sponsors: Programmed
Property Services and Wolff Coffee Roasters, and Supporting Sponsors: Downer, Clear Insurance,
Westpac, O’Reilly Shaw Lawyers, Uniform Link and Move Recruitment Solutions.
We hope that you have enjoyed engaging with fellow parents, Old Girls and members of the broader St Margaret’s community this term. There have been some wonderful events and opportunities hosted and we acknowledge and thank those who have donated, sponsored and supported the school through volunteering to make these possible.
We look forward to an equally exciting calendar in Term 2, including the St Margaret’s P&F Mothers’ Luncheon and our annual Giving Day in May, and our second PWN Breakfast.
If it has not yet landed in your mailbox, you will shortly be receiving your St Margaret’s Flyer magazine which contains our annual Donor Impact Report. This Report is prepared annually and showcases what has been achieved through philanthropy in the last calendar year. I hope you enjoy reading about what we achieved together through donations to St Margaret’s Foundation in 2022.
If you are interested in supporting the school or our activities and would like to discuss making a donation or sponsorship, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email developmentandcommunity@stmargarets.qld.edu.au.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter break.
Lara Pickering