The St Margaret’s community notched up another successful MAYO Arts Festival.
Thank you to Pru Reed who worked tirelessly to ensure the festival was the success it was. Every department in the school contributed to the success of this event. Thank you also to marketing, facilities, primary administration team, finance and the school’s catering department- we couldn’t have done it without the personnel from each of the different areas in the school.
I was overwhelmed on Saturday when I saw the stalls, not only seeing all the preparation come to fruition but the way in which the stalls were thoughtfully decorated. Thank you to the primary school community for your amazing donations. These ensured that each of the year level stalls was abundantly stocked for a profitable outcome. Thank you to the parent ambassadors who ensured each of the year level stalls was organised and to parents who dutifully worked on the stalls during the festival. Congratulations to James Barnier who won the wine wheel raffle prize. Thank you also to the Heads of Year for supporting students in their year level in preparing the stalls and then, together, running the stalls.
Thank you to primary and secondary staff who helped musicians and ran stalls. The introduction of student stalls was a great addition, and it was wonderful to witness each of the girl’s entrepreneurship with the items they created to prepare, sell and work on their stall.
A special thanks also to the parents who assisted on the drinks stall and the bar late into the evening.
It is testament to our Arts program when student performances can fill a whole day’s program of entertainment. The music, dance and drama performances were remarkable- thank you to Brad King, Regina Brennan, Jonny Ng and Camille Syntageros for all that they did to bring the stage alive.
We were very privileged and grateful to have renowned artist, Lindy Lee and arts writer, Alison Kubler participate in a Question-and-Answer session.
MAYO is an act of giving: the act of giving goods and time I witnessed in the lead up and on the day of Mayo, is affirmation that we are a strong community. In addition to this, by demonstrating generosity, parents also help their children to develop into happy giving and sharing adults. The MAYO Arts Festival is a clear demonstration of the wonderful community that is our school.
Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed in some way; each person’s contribution went towards making this event another huge success.
I'd like to also take this opportunity to acknowledge our sponsors, Mayo Supporters: Village Voice, Comiskey Distillery, All Clear Print & Signs and the Lord Mayor’s Community Fund and the Hamilton Ward Office. Thank you also to Axial Training and Jocelyn's Provisions who each donated items for the bake sale as well as Ascot Living for their installation in the Arts Centre, in addition to the many businesses that sponsored a stall or donated prizes towards the raffle.

Angela Drysdale