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Parent Information Seminar with Madonna King


07 Mar 2019


6:30 PM


Arts Centre Foyer

St Margaret's Anglican Girls School, 11 Petrie Street Ascot, QLD, Australia

Madonna King will be a guest speaker at St Margaret's Parent Information Session

An Information Session for Parents on the topic Fathers and Daughters: Helping teen girls and their dads build unbreakable bonds

Madonna King Award-winning journalist, commentator, mother of two daughters and best-selling author of seven books including Being 14 and Fathers and Daughters will be the guest speaker at this event.

Madonna King has interviewed over 500 girls and many fathers, as well as leading psychologists, school principals, CEOs, police, guidance counsellors and neuroscientists,  to get the answers all mothers, fathers and daughters need to know. Exploring a father’s role in his daughter’s life from a daughter’s perspective as well as the father’s, Madonna examines the key issues that arise to help families navigate the sometimes very difficult moments. Inspired by her book, Madonna will touch on topics in this seminar including why daughters turn against their fathers, teen rebellion, discipline, sexual education, the impact of broken families, how much influence a father can/should have and what you can do to repair a broken relationship.
Date: Thursday 7 March
Time: 6:30pm drinks and canapes 
7pm informative discussion starts
8pm seminar concludes
Location: St Margaret’s AGS, Arts Centre Foyer and Terraces
Accessible via Gate 1 off Petrie Street

Cost: FREE


Please RSVP by Friday 1 March to Please note: This information session is for parents only


Download a printable invitation. (PDF 77.8KB)






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